If you’ve ever had to organize a group of people to work together you know what a challenge that can be. There can be communication issues, personality conflicts, lack of problem-solving skills and more. One of the best ways we have found to help the group function as a whole is by having them participate in simple get-to-know-you games in a fun and safe environment.
Here is a game you can do with your group that will help them get to know each other.
We call it the New Guy.
Supplies needed: A pen/marker and a sheet of paper for each group of 3-4 people.
Purpose: To find commonalties and learn more about each other.
Directions: Tell your team that they are to discover things they have in common with each other in three areas of their lives; Work, Play, and Home. The teams will then create a new “group member” that has a combination of the actual work, play and home attributes. They are then to take letters from their names and combine them to give this new “group member” a name. Next, they must draw this new “group member” and list the common things that make this team member unique. Each group will introduce their new member to the rest of the team.
Time: 15-30 minutes